Sunday, November 27, 2011


Assalamualaikum to all the readers,

We are here to wish you Salam Maal Hijrah 1433H to all the Muslims out there. Hope this year will be a lucky year for us, and for you. May Allah bless you always. Hope this year will a better year and will make you a better person, InsyaAllah. So change yourself to be a better child, student, friend, sister, brother etc and most importantly to be a better Muslim :)

Sincerely from us, The Ott. 

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Hey guys!

Long time no see. How's everybody doing? How's your holiday? This blog has been kind of boring and not being update for like 2 months. We've been busy for school and stuff so we haven't got the chance to write and share things. So we are planning for some activities for the holidays. We're thinking for some healthy activities such as futsal or basketball. We'll see. 

So last.. two weeks I think, we went to Maisarott's place and had a party. Just a small one. Almost everyone came. But unfortunately Miaott, Syazwanott and Aimanott can't make it. We cooked Spaghetti for lunch and watched movies together. It was fun though. Will upload the pictures soon. 

We will update more about our holidays so.. till then xx

Much loves, us

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri.

Happy Eidulfitri from us The Ott to all of you out there. Wishing you a great and unforgettable Eidulfitri. Have a nice trip to your hometown. Tell your Dad to drive carefully and remember his' love ones. Forgive all of our mistakes and our wrong-doings. We all have done so many mistakes and created so many misunderstandings so do forgive us with all your heart. May this Ramadhan that will end soon has give you guidance and mercy and have made you a better person. InsyaAllah, amin :)

This is officially from The Ott. Well we know it was a lil bit hilarious but we did it on spontaneous. So we hope it won't bother any of you? Thanks for watching!